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Entries tagged "rpm".

Get rid of the orphans in a Centos system

How to find out orphaned packages in your Centos/RHEL system?
yum install yum-utils
package-cleanup --orphans

`man package-cleanup` for more cool stuff

RPMs for Courier email suite

Here's a Centos repo containing RPMs for the Courier suite (imap, mta, authlib etc):
Repo file:
The packages have been built directly from the courier tarball, didn't bother to tweak the spec file in any way.
Use them at your own risk etc etc.

RPMs for the Debian whois client

Here's another Centos repo containing RPMs for the Debian whois client (jwhois never works!):
Repo file:
PS: This should work on Fedora as well.

Centerim fixes and repo

The team finally released a new version of their IM client which fixes the annoying Yahoo disconnection bug that had been plaguing the application for almost 1 year.
There is a known problem with Yahoo connectivity. We believe it is fixed in 
Please test and report back. Thanks.
More action can be seen in their bugzilla.
For Centos/RHEL/ScientificLinux users I have started mantaining a repository:
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/nux-centerim.repo
(EPEL repo may be required to install some stuff - e.g. gpgme).

PS: Yes, I am aware EPEL includes Centerim, actually my RPM is based on their specfile, but their version is outdated.

ImageMagick repo for EL 5

Due to popular request (Hi David!), here's the ImageMagick RPM repo for EL5 (Centos, RedHat, ScientificLinux etc).
Feedback is welcome!

No more php53 repo

As Centos 5.6 and Centos 6 will provide PHP 5.3 shortly, there is no need for my repo so I'm discontinuing that. If you need help migrating to the stock packages let me know.
I will be still packaging PHP 5.2 as there are still cases where this version is needed. For contact use rpm at

EL6 deps for Oracle11g

The pile of shit called Oracle data base (11g) needs a crapload of deps. This is for 64 bit OS:
yum install libgcc.i686 nss-softokn-freebl.i686 glibc.i686 libaio.i686 libstdc++.i686 ncurses-libs.i686 readline.i686 libICE.i686 libtool-ltdl.i686 libSM.i686 libuuid.i686 unixODBC.i686 libXau.i686 libX11.i686 libxcb.i686 libXext.i686 libXi.i686 compat-libstdc++-33.i686 libXt.i686 libXtst.i686 libaio-devel.i686 unixODBC-devel.i686 glibc-devel.i686 kernel-headers libstdc++-devel elfutils-libelf-devel mpfr libXmu libXxf86misc glibc-headers libXxf86vm xorg-x11-xauth cpp libtool-ltdl unixODBC cloog-ppl ppl libmcpp mcpp xorg-x11-server-utils compat-db42 compat-db43 libdmx libXxf86dga libIDL ORBit2 GConf2 libbonobo gtk2-engines shared-mime-info libdaemon avahi avahi-glib gnome-vfs2 xorg-x11-utils compat-libstdc++-33 celt051 libXp ConsoleKit-x11 xorg-x11-xinit glibc-devel gcc compat-gcc-34 ncurses-devel gcc-c++ libgnome readline-devel compat-db libaio-devel unixODBC-devel compat-gcc-34-c++ libgcc nss-softokn-freebl glibc libaio libstdc++ ncurses-libs readline libICE libtool-ltdl libSM libuuid unixODBC libXau libX11 libxcb libXext libXi compat-libstdc++-33 libXt libXtst libaio-devel unixODBC-devel glibc-devel RPMs in a yum friendly format

As a result of my recent work on LibreOffice RPMs for EL6 and several discussions on the CentOS mailing list I decided to set up a yum repository with the RPM packages officially released by The Document Foundation.
Why? Because sometimes the people, even the EL kind, want the latest and greatest[1]. Plus, this one should really be easy to mantain as all the hard work is done by the Document Foundation, I just do some untarring and createrepo.
What I do basically is download all their tarballs, decompress, put all the RPMs in a nice repository for 32 and 64 bit arches then call them all nicely from a "meta-package" I entitled, after the source web site. I also create meta-packages for the localisation RPMs, so everyone can have LibreOffice in their native language only a "yum install" away.
This should also be great with keeping up to date as newer packages will be installed when "yum update" runs and if we manage to get delta rpms working then updates will also be in the megabytes, not hundred of megabytes.

Trade-offs? Yes, some:
1. No Selinux integration. This doesn't seem a problem just yet, but could become in the future.
2. These packages do not play nicely with the stock ones, so the one from the distribution need to be removed... but this only is needed once.

To use this repo do the following:
- uninstall the stock packages: yum remove openoffice* libreoffice*
- install the repo: rpm -ivh
- install the software: yum install

If you need to install additional localised support do it like this:
yum install
yum install ... and so on; you can run "yum info*" to see all the packages.

This should work on RHEL, CentOS, ScientificLinux, Fedora and other distros based on those.

If you run into issues or have suggestions get in touch at rpm at

[1] - For the more patient of you RHEL 6.3 will bring LibreOffice 3.4.5 which should satisfy many people.

Generating delta RPMs in EL6

man createrepo
Check the "--deltas" switch. :-) RPMs repo updated

Hello, yesterday The Document Foundation released LibreOffice 3.5.3, today - after a quick test - this version is also available in my repo.
Soo.. if you're using it, give it a good yum update :-)

You will notice I also generated delta RPMs, unfortunately the effect is less spectacular than I hoped.. the download size is not reduced much. Oh well, at least I tried. RPMs repo updated with 3.5.4

The Document Foundation released LibreOffice 3.5.4, today - after a quick test - this version is also available in my repo.
Soo.. if you're using it, give it a good yum update :-) RPM repo updated with 3.6.0

The Document Foundation has released today version 3.6.0 of it's office suite.

It has also landed in my repository, however there is a small problem: the 3.6 RPMs do not naturally obsolete/update the 3.5 ones; after "yum update" does it's job you should manually remove the 3.5 RPMs:
yum remove libreoffice3.5\* libobasis3.5\*
Unless, of course you want to run both versions in parallel. :-)

ntop: service not configured, run ntop manually

So today after creating an ntop rpm package for EL6 I wanted to test this program.

After "yum install" I naturally tried "service ntop start" but only to get this:
Starting ntop: service not configured, run ntop manually

Of course, the service was not "configured" - by this ntop means that there is no admin password set for the web interface. To set a password you only need to do this:
ntop --set-admin-password=reallyBadpassword

After this ntop will start just fine. Enjoy!