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"Fixing" Firefox

For quite some time now Firefox has a shitty behaviour regarding the address bar, which may be OK for grandma, but it gets in the way of power users.
I was too lazy to do anything about it until now, but it's 2015, I am getting old and less tolerant, so here are my pet peeves:
A - modify urls that do not look like traditional addresses and add a www prefix and .com suffix
B - send a single word address to a google search instead of opening it (kills internal addresses such as "http://wiki")
C - the protocol gets hidden, but when you copy/paste the url from the address bar it gets included, e.g. I copy "", but when I paste it in an editor it actually comes up as ""

So here's how to fix it - open a new tab, go to "about:config" and:
- to fix A search for "browser.fixup.alternate.enabled" and double click it so the value changes to "false"
- to fix B search for "keyword.enabled" and double click it so the value changes to "false"
- to fic C search for "browser.urlbar.trimURLs" and double click it so the value changes to "false"

That's it. Now you can enjoy a better browsing experience! ;-)