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Stella 6.5, new ISOs

It looks like I should have waited a bit with the 6.5 release, in the few days since CentOS 6.5 launch there were many important updates; worth mentioning kernel, firefox and thunderbird updates.

The kernel update fixes a weird kernel panic, whereas the firefox and thunderbird updates bump the version from 17 ESR to 24 ESR, with all the bug fixes and new features implied.

New ISOs have been generated and available from the usual places:
32 bit ISO or the 64 bit one (more mirrors available from the project's page).

Stella6.5 v3 ISOs contain all the updates up until today, including the kernel and mozilla ones.

Another change is that I'm bundling the kernel-ml-NONPAE with the 32bit ISO and I will no longer generate an image especially for this kernel. The syslinux menu still needs some love, but until that happens, the first entries are for the stock kernel, the second ones for kernel-ml.

If you have problems or comments you can find me on the Stella forums or IRC channel.

Enjoy! =)