Tags: howto,almalinux
Date: 20230730
I have this old CentOS 7 machine I've been meaning to upgrade, however the server is in a remote data centre and I have no IPMI/etc access to it.
So I switched to plan B, remote install over VNC which I used many times, thanks to knowledge learned from Fabian.The remote VNC installation capability has largely remained the same throughout the years, but few things here and there have changed, such as the files to use and the syntax. Let's have a look at this:
1 - With past versions of CentOS/EL, such as 6 or 7 you would be using the pxeboot images, however with version 9 I had to use the isolinux vmlinuz and initrd.Let's cut to the chase, so what I have done was to download the right kernel and initrd and execute it with kexec and the correct parameters. Observe:
yum -y install kexec cd /boot wget http://mirrors.coreix.net/almalinux/9/BaseOS/x86_64/os/isolinux/initrd.img http://mirrors.coreix.net/almalinux/9/BaseOS/x86_64/os/isolinux/vmlinuz kexec --initrd=./initrd.img -l ./vmlinuz --command-line="ifname=eth0:00:28:b9:7b:ca:09 biosdevname=0 net.ifnames=0 bootdev=eth0 \ ip= nameserver= \ inst.vnc inst.vncpassword=c00lpass inst.repo=http://mirrors.coreix.net/almalinux/9/BaseOS/x86_64/os/" kexec -e |